Thursday, January 15, 2009

Virtual Party!

So some time around March last year I decided I wanted to do something awesome for my 25th birthday. And since we were sopposed to be in our house by then I decided to have a costume party, because there just aren't enough oppertunities in regular life to wear cool costumes.
Well obviously I'm not going to be able to follow the plan, so instead you are all invited to my virtual costume party!
I am posting a request for people to blog about their favorite costume (have worn, are making, always wanted to wear, ect) and if possible post a pic or 2. You need to do this by the 25th of this month. I will then do an awesome birthday blog about costumes I have worn, made, seen, ect.
I may also have a second blog with non-blogging freinds email responses to this invite. (Depends on how many people follow through)
So dig through your photo albums and use your scanners, because I will be awarding prizes. Happy blogging :D

1 comment:

H said...

Hey Carol. My pic is permanently on my blog. I'm dressed as Molly Weasley, and Bill is Xenophilias Lovegood.

We used to do Halloween pretty well before the girls. We've gone as: Two Face and Cat Woman; Woody and Spud (Toy Story); The Tin Man and the Scarecrow (Kyra was Dorothy; Cruella Deville and one of the kidnappers (101 Dalmations).

Good luck with your virtual party.