Sunday, January 25, 2009

Welcome to the party!

I had a great birthday today and thank you all for coming to my party today! (Now to really complete the experience you should go find some party food to munch on :D) So the costumes have been great and now for the awards! (if you don't see a picture click the name to go see it)

Cutest astronaut:

Harry Potter- these were all so great I couldn't pick just one!:
Most of the ward
My Mom

Cutest ninja:

Cutest superhero:
Little Kenny

Best hat:

Best partners costume:
John and Little John

Shiniest armor:

Most convincing alien:

Best mohawk:
Little John

Honorary mention:
Bridget's kids

Costumes that deserve awards that I can't find pictures of:
Pirates- John and Brandi
Potipher's wife- Clerie
"paper boy"- John's Dad

Costume stories:

Cutest kid costume story:
Monique (Jaxon)

Funniest costume story:
Clerie had to do a quick costume change for the play she was in. Her "dad" had just died so she runs just off stage and everyone rushes her into the next costume for the "funeral". She runs back on stage to kneel at the casket (with her back to the audience) and weeps. This is normally an emotional scene but she can hear the audience smothering laughter. She comes off stage at the end of the scene and the tell her that in the hurry, her skirt was tucked into her bloomers. (they had full period costumes obviously) She laughs about it now. Today she wears a uniform in Iraq instead of costumes. Go Clerie!

Costumes we wish we had:

Cleverest wished for costume:
I came up with this costume in high school actually, but never made it. Let me explain what you'd need first. Some blue and gray material, lots of stuffing, and a red LED light. I would have two square patches on my chest and the LED on my back. When someone asked what I was, I would say "I'm a logitech optical mouse!" Then I'd "click" my buttons and show off my LED. Geeky, but it could be cute and unique.

I costume I always wished I could have...
All of them! It would take too long to list them all, but my current desire is for "Susan's battle dress/armor" from the new Prince Caspian movie and a wig of waist long cornrow braids in black or red hair. Random, I know.

Well thank you all for coming to my virtual party. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. I think I might do it again next year, but maybe a different theme to keep it interesting. And maybe more people will "show up". The more people, the better the party. Bye.

1 comment:

Paul said...

Way to go, Ben! Dang, I couldn't even tell that was human!
Loooved the costume party, Cari. Happy Birthday! One day late.