Monday, May 11, 2009

Why tech theater is great mom training

So in honor of Mother's day this is my list of why tech theater is great mom training.

1. After so many years of cuts, bumps, bruises, and scrapes from building set, moving set, and running in the dark, you know your way around a first aid kit and always have one handy.

2. After building set, framing in a basement is no big deal. And you can paint it in your sleep. You can probably even do a little electrical and plumbing work.

3. Costume repair is not too different from regular clothes repair.

4. Because rehersal can go way late you're already used to carrying snacks and water everywhere.

5. There's what you reherse and then there's what really happens, so you already have a lot of practice coming up with plan B, C, D, ect on the spot.

6. Any one who's spent any time navigating backstage, should be able to handle screaming kids during rush hour traffic.

7. All that knot tying and building will come in handy when your sons do Scouts.

8. All that make up and costume knowledge will come in handy with your teenage daughter. Not to mention Halloween.

9. You're very familiar and even comfortable with dirt and grease. And with how to clean them up.

10. And now that your such a pro at moving set, moving your furniture from house to house is old hat.

1 comment:

H said...

Very nice. I like it when one the job training translates to real life. Motherhood could also be transtlated to many jobs as well. I think that's why women fair well in the work place. (that's good and bad I suppose)