Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I jinxed myself

Yesterday I said about how the baby has been sleeping through the night so much lately and so I must have jinxed myself because he woke up last night around 1 am and around 3 we stopped trying to get him back to sleep and John dozed while Little John played in the living room for another hour. But on the bright side we went back to bed after family scriptures (7 am so Mom and Ben can get to school) and he slept till 9:30 and so did we.

Oh and the plumbers came and the bathroom works great!!


H said...

The sleeping thing comes and goes. Try really hard to keep the lights out, no TV, ect. so he knows day activities from night. I never objected to feeding my kids at night to get them back to sleep. Whatever it takes to get them back to bed :) Good luck!

FizixMamma said...

When he gets up at night we play his bed time music, rock and give him a bottle. Usually it's not even1 time through the CD and he's back to sleep. But after 3 times through the CD, we decided to try wearing him out. :D