Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving part 1

Well its all over now and most of the leftovers have been eaten. Yesterday I disected the rest of the turkeys (we had 3) and froze a lot of it. And tonight I will use up pretty much everything else to make Thanksgiving pizza (recipe at bottom).
But our Thanksgiving was great! We had 22 people (hence the 3 turkeys) and we managed to fit them all in the living room to eat together. We hauled the piano out to the garage and fit 2 long folding tables in the length of the living room. (By the way if anyone knows some one in the Brigham area who wants to buy a piano message me!)
We ate and then took down a table and people broke up in little groups to visit and play games. And of course there were leftovers and plenty of pie and other desserts for munching. We all had a great time.
John's parents, brother and his wife came since Nathan's on his mission and their usual plans were disrupted. Heather came and announced her engagement to Evan Smith (who came and his familly too). I was nice to meet everyone, we like them all, and he is really nice and sweet to her. And of course Sarah came up from school. And Rick came. And my uncle Mike. And Grandma Earl (my great-grandma).
It was great to have every one and it was so nice just hanging out talking and playing games and things.
And before you freak out about the cooking involved, we did: pies, turkeys, rolls, stuffing, taters, and veggie tray. Everyone else brought potluck drinks, side dises, and desserts. So we didn't do all the cooking (thank goodness!)

Thanksgiving pizza
1 Grease a cookie sheet and cover it with a thin layer of roll dough. This can be leftover frozen dough or comes in a can dough or make your favorite rolls dough. I usually use canned cresent rolls dough.
2 Pre-heat the oven to whatever you cook the rolls at.
3 Cover the dough with leftover mashed potatos or if those are all gone whip up some instant.
4 Cover that with the leftover gravy
5 Sprinkle generously with leftover stuffing or whip up some stovetop
6 Top with little bits of leftover turkey.
If you'd rather you can put the gravey on last. And you can add anything else you'd like or skip anything your kids won't eat. (But I wouldn't skip the gravy 'cuz things dry out in the oven)
7 Now bake the whole thing for as long as you would bake the rolls. Check if the potatoes and turkey are warm. If not pop it back in the oven for another 5 or so minutes. Serve and enjoy. And even though its called pizza it eats better with a fork.

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