Sunday, December 7, 2008

What goes around, and around, and around...

So the flu has gone all around our house. John came down with it just before Thanksgiving and since then everyone has gotten it. And sadly recovering seems to be complicated by a nasty cold, but maybe its part of the flu too. Fortunatly I got it mild, you couldn't take me too far from a nap or a bathroom, but at least I never threw-up. Everyone is mostly better but Little John seems to be lingering on forever. I might take him in to the doctor tomarrow. Aside from the germs, laundry, and dishes that pile up when people are sick- I am way behind on Christmas! So for everyone who reads this your Christmas cards are coming but they'll probably get there on Christmas Eve 'cuz I'm so behind.

1 comment:

H said...

Oh yeah, Christmas cards...