Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I need more baby and dog proofing!

So the dog ate 2 of the baby bottles. Just chomped big holes in them. So I had to go get some more. She digs through the garbage to find the grossest smelliest things and then shreds them all over the floor. She runs off if I open the door. She eats Little Johns snacks and his toys. And she stops to mark every couple yards when we go on a walk. I am not a dog person!!!
Ok I think I feel better now. I like the dog but she is driving me nuts with the chewing plastic thing. I really am more of a cat person. Or even better goldfish. They can't bite or sratch or mark territory. I am open to suggestions on puppy proofing.
I don't think I need suggestions for baby proofing (well except how to keep him out of the dog's food and water) , I just need to try harder. I moved the dog's dishes because we couldn't keep him out of them and aside from that he was playing happily on the floor while we played scrabble on the kitchen table. Well now that the dog food was gone he decided to explore the cupboard it sits in front of. (I only baby-locked the one under the sink where the chemicals are) He plays in all the cupboards. He loves pulling out the grocery sacks, rubbermaid, pot lids, dish towels and then playing with them. So was trying to find a place to put my excellent z word (zebu- an african ox thing) when there's this big crash sound and we all look and rush over and the baby has a big shard of glass IN HIS MOUTH! John takes it away and takes the baby away, Ben takes away the dog, and I clean up all the little glass splinters. Its all fine and we're relaxing from the shock when Little John starts srceaming instead of just crying and I look over and theres blood all over his mouth. We hold him down and pry it open and I kept thinking "he's swallowing glass and I'm not sure where the ER is and we don't have insurance right now!"
But we look all around in there and figure out that he only cut his mouth at the corner with the giant shard and like any head wound it bled more than necessary. And that fact that when he starts screaming like that and turning blue and purple didn't help my panic at all. But we gave him an ice pop to eat so it wouldn't keep bleeding and he was fine in less than 5 minutes. Of course I took half an hour and a mug of cocoa to calm down from the adrenalin rush of "my baby's gonna die!"


SSRoring said...

Oh hun your baby won't die. That is scary but a little funny. Except I don't understand what broke? Arent there just giant plastic bowls and a bunch of bread pans in there?

FizixMamma said...

He broke a glass breadpan.

H said...

"Dogs and babies, dogs and babies." That's all I said to Kyra while I was pregnant with Tasha. I was trying to teach her that we couldn't leave so many things around the house because it could hurt the dog and the baby. Hopefully your puppy will settle down in a few weeks, ours seem to be a little better behaved now that she's almost hit the 3 month mark.