Saturday, September 27, 2008

The RS Broadcast

So the broadcast was fantastic and I enjoyed the speakers so much I decided to share my favorite things each of them had to say (I promise to keep it short).

Sis. Beck (RS Pres)
RS was created way back then because God knew we would need it so bad now and we had to have everything established well in advance so it could fullfill it's potential now.

Sis. Allred (1st councillor)
Reinspired me to attend the temple and do many ordinances often.

Sis. Thompson (2nd councillor)
Described us as a righteous army armed with: love, compassion, service and faith.
(And its odd to think of those as weapons but just try to resist someone who truely loves you and serves you and you'll realize thats a formidable force.)

Pres. Uchtdorf
Aknowledges that our trials are trying and gave 2 ways to survive them: 1) creating beauty and helpfulness brings satisfaction and 2) giving compassion bouys us up and helps others.
(I loved his talk so much I want to post it somewhere to read every day, maybe on the barthroom mirror. I was going to post a link but its not on yet.)

If you missed the broadcast I hope you can find it online, it was wonderful.

1 comment:

H said...

It is so much harder to defeat love than it is hatred. Good point.

Don't you just love President Uchtdorf? I was suprised the Prophet didn't speak, but not at all disappointed!

I heard a lot about compassion from all the speakers. It was nice to focus on the Savior's love for all his children. I think we all need to try hard to be this example in such a hate filled world.