Friday, September 19, 2008

Yeah I'm behind again

So I have been so busy I haven't had time to write on my blog. Here are the highlights:

Little John walks now!!! All by himself. He's pretty wobbly and he falls alot but he just gets back up. He puts his arms out like Frankenstien for balance. Its so cute.

We've spent a lot of time visiting John's family lately, partly because they're centraly located for a lot of the errands we've been doing lately.

We spent the evening with my really great friend's family so we could hang out before she was deployed for Iraq on Wednesday. Lots of prayers for her. Her son is about a year older than Litlle John and they had a lot of fun playing together.

I got the wedding dress back from the State fair- it placed second. Woohoo!

I had an ingrown (and infected) toenail removed and when the infection clears (I'm on antibiotics) I'll go back and they'll kill that part of the nail. I will NOT be posting pictures of any of this horrific gore.

My mom has a kidney infection, a sinus infection, and walking pnumonia. So she's pretty miserable and while they've been denying her problem (they said it was just bronchitus the first time) and saying it hasn't been 10 days since you were here before don't come back yet (yeah that made me mad!) she's been dragging her self to school because teachers only have a very few sick days. Then she is just dead tired and goes to bed except for dinner. BUT now she is on better pills and is feeling better.

John went to a job fair and put out a bunch of resumes so we're hoping for good things.

So I doubt I'll be this busy again soon so maybe I'll stay caught up on my blog (yeah right).

1 comment:

SSRoring said...

I am glad you finally wrote me something. How am I supposed to know whats going on? And where are my pictures? I need to see the frankenstien baby!!!

No one told me that mom was that much sick. I feel very left out. I think you need to post more. or tell ben to make a blog and keep me updated.

I want to see pictures of the toes.

You guys are all in my prayers.
LOVES-Miss Sarah Snow